
Here you will find our books, audio­books, pod­casts, videos and online cour­ses on the phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice of the Self-Deve­lo­per. Please note that most of our books are only available in German.

Der Selbst-Entwickler (DE)


In his book, renow­ned coach Jens Corssen pres­ents the cri­te­ria for suc­cessful “inner coa­ching” – an enga­ging and sti­mu­la­ting read for all those who want to ride the rol­ler­co­as­ter of life with joy and suc­cess. Las­ting suc­cess – espe­ci­ally in times of rapid change – is based on making cru­cial chan­ges to your way of thin­king first and, con­se­quently, taking respon­si­bi­lity for your actions! That is the core mes­sage that emana­tes from this book. 

To be suc­cessful as a Self-Deve­lo­per it means win­ning the inner game, moving from kno­wing to wan­ting and from wan­ting to doing. Accor­din­gly, a con­tem­po­rary defi­ni­tion of “suc­cess” cen­tres on attai­ning a posi­tive atti­tude towards life and deve­lo­ping your per­so­na­lity. Both fac­tors are indis­pensable to reach your goals.

Das Corssen-Prinzip (DE)

The four tools for a joyful life

by Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

“Life is a rol­ler coas­ter,” says Jens Corssen, psy­cho­lo­gist and best­sel­ling aut­hor. “When you are self-empowered, you enjoy the ride to the top with all your sen­ses. And on the way down, you make sure you stay in good spi­rits.” The renow­ned coach for mana­gers and top ath­le­tes has a simple solu­tion for how to achieve this: our atti­tude towards life, other peo­ple and our­sel­ves is a super­power that ensu­res we feel good and are suc­cessful both in busi­ness and in our pri­vate life. What’s more, what we pre­viously tried to force hap­pens as if of its own accord.

In this inno­va­tive book, the “Gra­phic Coach”, Jens Corssen sum­ma­ri­ses the essence of the “Self-Deve­lo­per”, the result of his more than 50 years of work as a coun­sellor. It is a poin­tedly illus­tra­ted epi­so­dic story that has a self-coa­ching effect. Using the prot­ago­nists as examp­les, the rea­der expe­ri­en­ces first-hand how to deve­lop super­powers to free ones­elf from misery.

“Das Corssen-Prin­zip” is many books in one: an inspi­ring story about four peo­ple strugg­ling with life’s hurd­les; coa­ching that can be expe­ri­en­ced in text and images; and a playful self-help pro­gramme that leads peo­ple from fee­ling power­less­ness to self-empowered. An enter­tai­ning and at the same time enligh­tening read.

Der Team-Developer (DE)

Gemein­sam gewin­nen lernen

by Jens Corssen, Ste­fan Grö­ner and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

Team buil­ding is more important than ever. Jens Corssen, Germany’s most sought-after coach for per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and goal achie­ve­ment and his coa­ching part­ner Ste­fan Grö­ner show in their latest psy­cho­lo­gi­cal non-fic­tion book how the Self-Deve­lo­per beco­mes a suc­cessful Team-Deve­lo­per – essen­tial rea­ding for mana­gers, team lea­ders and trainers.

As a Team Deve­lo­per, a good supe­rior not only sup­ports his or her employees pro­fes­sio­nally, but is also an atten­tive rela­ti­onship mana­ger. They give ori­en­ta­tion and con­vey trust to their employees and encou­rage them to tackle the chal­lenges in a world that is no lon­ger pre­dic­ta­ble with dedi­ca­tion and passion.

Tog­e­ther with his coa­ching part­ner Ste­fan Grö­ner, renow­ned busi­ness coach Jens Corssen has deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fic team roles based on the phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice of the Self-Deve­lo­per that illus­trate the inno­va­tive lea­der­ship style of the Team Deve­lo­per. The two expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals con­vin­cin­gly con­vey how mana­gers, team lea­ders and trai­ners can use a moti­vat­ing atti­tude to turn a group of indi­vi­dual per­so­na­li­ties into an enthu­si­a­stic, self-con­fi­dent and suc­cessful team using new types of lea­der­ship tools.

Ich und die anderen (DE)

Als Selbst-Ent­wick­ler zu gelin­gen­den Beziehungen

by Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz

Jens Corssen, gra­duate psy­cho­lo­gist and, accor­ding to Mana­ger Maga­zin, the “guru of Ger­man top mana­gers”, is one of the most suc­cessful coa­ches for goal achie­ve­ment. His trade­mark is the Self-Deve­lo­per® phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice he deve­lo­ped. Chris­tiane Tramitz, who holds a doc­to­rate in beha­viou­ral sci­ence, has been stu­dy­ing the bio­lo­gi­cal basis of human beha­viour for more than twenty years. In their book, the aut­hors pre­sent their expe­ri­en­ces and fin­dings from deca­des of coun­sel­ling prac­tice and sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch work.

Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz show ways to achieve sta­ble, suc­cessful and respectful rela­ti­onships. The focus is not only on rela­ti­onships bet­ween hus­band and wife, but also on rela­ti­onships bet­ween par­ents and child­ren, rela­ti­onships within the family, bet­ween boss and sub­or­di­nate, and rela­ti­onships bet­ween col­le­agues. All stages of a rela­ti­onship are exami­ned in a nar­ra­tive and ton­gue-in-cheek man­ner, and con­crete methods for impro­ving one’s own rela­ti­onship skills are presented.

Lebensfreude (DE)

How to affirm life despite all the difficulties

by Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

Those who com­pul­si­vely seek hap­pi­ness deprive them­sel­ves of the joy of life. This is because our ego, which is geared towards sur­vi­val and con­trol, stands in the way of expe­ri­en­cing pure joy. Howe­ver, the more we engage in life-affir­ming and joyful moments, the more uplifted our mood beco­mes, so that many pro­blems do not arise in the first place or resolve themselves.

Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehren­schwend­ner have deve­lo­ped a mood the­rapy that allows you to main­tain your zest for life – even when things are­n’t going as well as you’d like. They tell the story of five prot­ago­nists who set out tog­e­ther on the path to grea­ter con­tent­ment. Their empa­the­tic co-ope­ra­tion crea­tes a sound­ing board on which their mood gra­du­ally impro­ves. Each and every one of them embarks on new life situa­tions and expands their own wealth of expe­ri­ence through cou­ra­ge­ous and joyful expe­ri­en­ces. An enter­tai­ning trans­for­ma­tion book with a clear mes­sage: ever­yone can create their own per­so­nal zest for life.

Lieben (DE)

Why the grea­test of all fee­lings is actually an attitude

by Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

We are all united by the lon­ging to be one, as the brain makes us believe in the into­xi­ca­tion of being in love. But the respon­si­bi­lity for joy of life and con­nec­ted­ness can­not be dele­ga­ted to a part­ner. Love is a ques­tion of inner atti­tude, say Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehren­schwend­ner, and show how to bring this con­scious, adult form of love to life: 

The pro­cess of trans­for­ma­tion beg­ins when we affirm life and remain in an uplifted mood – even in pha­ses of sing­le­ness or rela­ti­onship con­flicts. It con­ti­nues when we deve­lop our uni­que­ness in all its facets. By releasing our­sel­ves from obs­truc­tive pat­terns of thin­king and beha­viour, we can ori­ent our­sel­ves towards a suc­cessful tog­e­ther­ness. Then true con­nec­ted­ness can grow.

Familienglück (DE)

How we achieve a ful­fil­ling parent-child rela­ti­onship through recognition

by Jens Corssen and Tho­mas Fuchs

Per­so­na­lity coach meets child psy­cho­lo­gist. Jens Corssen and Tho­mas Fuchs com­bine the best of their working prac­tice to create a new coa­ching con­cept for par­ents and child­ren: stri­ving for a good mood in the here and now ins­tead of pro­jec­ting one’s own wis­hes and expec­ta­ti­ons onto one’s part­ner or child­ren is the one key to a har­mo­nious family life. In other words, live more in the pre­sent than plan for the future! The other is to deve­lop a mind­set of using words of app­re­cia­tion and reco­gni­tion and avo­i­ding any form of deva­luing part­ners and child­ren. In an enter­tai­ning way, well-foun­ded and with many con­cise examp­les from their the­ra­peu­tic prac­tice, the experts con­vey ways for suc­cessful parent-child relationships.


Als Selbst-Entwickler zu privatem und beruflichem Erfolg (DE)

Als Selbst-Ent­wick­ler zu gelin­gen­den Bezie­hun­gen (4 CDs)

by Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz

With this CD coll­ec­tion, Jens Corssen sum­ma­ri­ses his many years of expe­ri­ence on suc­cessful self-manage­ment in an infor­ma­tive, vivid and humo­rous way. His insightful fin­dings and nar­ra­ti­ves reflect the most diverse thin­king and beha­viou­ral mecha­nisms. His “self-deve­lo­per” – equip­ped with the four tools self-awa­re­ness, self-respon­si­bi­lity, self-con­fi­dence and self-con­quest – has unders­tood that he lives more suc­cessfully and hap­pily when he stops wan­ting to deve­lop others. He the­r­e­fore starts with hims­elf to initiate neces­sary chan­ges in his thin­king and behaviour.

Als Selbst-Entwickler zu Gelassenheit und gehobener Gestimmtheit (German)

Als Selbst-Ent­wick­ler zu gelin­gen­den Bezie­hun­gen (3 CDs oder MP3)

by Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz

Are we out of tune – or do we manage to expe­ri­ence our ever­y­day life in a posi­tive mood? Jens Corssen has expan­ded his suc­cessful con­cept of the self-deve­lo­per. He shares his insights and expe­ri­en­ces on the path to sere­nity and an uplifted mood. After all, it is not suc­cess alone that leads us to a life of con­tent­ment. It is also about our daily atti­tude to life. “In the begin­ning is the mood. It crea­tes our thoughts and fee­lings.” An inter­view on 3 CDs (approx. 145 min.)

The Way of the Self-Developer

The Com­plete Semi­nar Edi­tion (4 CDs or MP3)

Adapted and Per­for­med by Andrew Bannon

In this CD coll­ec­tion, Andrew Bannon pres­ents the Eng­lish ver­sion of a con­ver­sa­tion with Jens Corssen about his very suc­cessful book “The Self-Deve­lo­per”. Andrew Bannon takes the lis­te­ner on Jens’ jour­ney to self-manage­ment in an infor­ma­tive and lively way. Along the way, he reve­als insightful insights and sto­ries that reveal a variety of thin­king and beha­viour pat­terns. Self-deve­lo­pers equip­ped with the four tools of self-know­ledge, self-respon­si­bi­lity, self-con­fi­dence and self-over­co­ming have rea­li­sed that they live hap­pier and more suc­cessful lives when they stop try­ing to deve­lop or change others. Ins­tead, they start the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess with them­sel­ves and focus on their mind­set and behaviour.

Der Team-Developer (DE)

Gemein­sam gewin­nen lernen

by Jens Corssen, Ste­fan Grö­ner and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

Team buil­ding is more important than ever. Jens Corssen, Germany’s most sought-after coach for per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and goal achie­ve­ment and his coa­ching part­ner Ste­fan Grö­ner show in their latest psy­cho­lo­gi­cal non-fic­tion book how the Self-Deve­lo­per beco­mes a suc­cessful Team-Deve­lo­per – essen­tial rea­ding for mana­gers, team lea­ders and trainers.

Tog­e­ther with his coa­ching part­ner Ste­fan Grö­ner, renow­ned busi­ness coach Jens Corssen has deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fic team roles based on the phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice of the Self-Deve­lo­per that illus­trate the inno­va­tive lea­der­ship style of the Team Deve­lo­per. The two expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals con­vin­cin­gly con­vey how mana­gers, team lea­ders and trai­ners can use a moti­vat­ing atti­tude to turn a group of indi­vi­dual per­so­na­li­ties into an enthu­si­a­stic, self-con­fi­dent and suc­cessful team using new types of lea­der­ship tools.

Ich und die anderen (DE)

Als Selbst-Ent­wick­ler zu gelin­gen­den Beziehungen 

by Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz

Jens Corssen, gra­duate psy­cho­lo­gist and, accor­ding to Mana­ger Maga­zin, the “guru of Ger­man top mana­gers”, is one of the most suc­cessful coa­ches for goal achie­ve­ment. His trade­mark is the Self-Deve­lo­per® phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice he deve­lo­ped. Chris­tiane Tramitz, who holds a doc­to­rate in beha­viou­ral sci­ence, has been stu­dy­ing the bio­lo­gi­cal basis of human beha­viour for more than twenty years. In their book, the aut­hors pre­sent their expe­ri­en­ces and fin­dings from deca­des of coun­sel­ling prac­tice and sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch work.

Jens Corssen and Chris­tiane Tramitz show ways to achieve sta­ble, suc­cessful and respectful rela­ti­onships. The focus is not only on rela­ti­onships bet­ween hus­band and wife, but also on rela­ti­onships bet­ween par­ents and child­ren, rela­ti­onships within the family, bet­ween boss and sub­or­di­nate, and rela­ti­onships bet­ween col­le­agues. All stages of a rela­ti­onship are exami­ned in a nar­ra­tive and ton­gue-in-cheek man­ner, and con­crete methods for impro­ving one’s own rela­ti­onship skills are presented.

Lieben (DE)

Why the grea­test of all fee­lings is actually an attitude

by Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehrenschwendner

We are all united by the lon­ging to be one, as the brain makes us believe in the into­xi­ca­tion of being in love. But the respon­si­bi­lity for joy of life and con­nec­ted­ness can­not be dele­ga­ted to a part­ner. Love is a ques­tion of inner atti­tude, say Jens Corssen and Ste­pha­nie Ehren­schwend­ner, and show how to bring this con­scious, adult form of love to life: 

The pro­cess of trans­for­ma­tion beg­ins when we affirm life and remain in an uplifted mood – even in pha­ses of sing­le­ness or rela­ti­onship con­flicts. It con­ti­nues when we deve­lop our uni­que­ness in all its facets. By releasing our­sel­ves from obs­truc­tive pat­terns of thin­king and beha­viour, we can ori­ent our­sel­ves towards a suc­cessful tog­e­ther­ness. Then true con­nec­ted­ness can grow.

Familienglück (DE)

Wir packen das mit der Erzie­hung mal anders an!

by Jens Corssen and Tho­mas Fuchs

Per­so­na­lity coach meets child psy­cho­lo­gist. Jens Corssen and Tho­mas Fuchs com­bine the best of their working prac­tice to create a new coa­ching con­cept for par­ents and child­ren: stri­ving for a good mood in the here and now ins­tead of pro­jec­ting one’s own wis­hes and expec­ta­ti­ons onto one’s part­ner or child­ren is the one key to a har­mo­nious family life. In other words, live more in the pre­sent than plan for the future! The other is to deve­lop a mind­set of using words of app­re­cia­tion and reco­gni­tion and avo­i­ding any form of deva­luing part­ners and child­ren. In an enter­tai­ning way, well-foun­ded and with many con­cise examp­les from their the­ra­peu­tic prac­tice, the experts con­vey ways for suc­cessful parent-child relationships.

Persönlichkeit – Mit mehr Gelassenheit zu beruflichem und privatem Erfolg 

Ger­man video semi­nar with 7 les­sons (Online | DVD | Book)

This semi­nar on per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment pro­vi­des spe­ci­fic gui­dance. Acqui­ring the right amount of com­po­sure is the first step towards kee­ping yours­elf in the driver’s seat, both pro­fes­sio­nally and pri­va­tely. After all, resi­li­ence should no lon­ger be an empty buz­zword for you; this semi­nar tea­ches you how to streng­then your psy­cho­lo­gi­cal resi­li­ence. Learn how you can become more mindful in order to be able to act in a more rela­xed and pro­duc­tive way.

Get rid of rigid beha­viour patterns:

Our coach Jens Corssen helps you bene­fit from his more than 50 years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence as a con­flict coun­sellor and change faci­li­ta­tor for high-level top ath­le­tes and mana­gers. The qua­li­fied psy­cho­lo­gist intro­du­ces you to his con­cept of the Self-Deve­lo­per in 7 les­sons of the semi­nar “Per­so­na­lity”. He makes you aware that for­cing through rigid goals does not make you satis­fied. The goal ins­tead is to streng­then your psy­cho­lo­gi­cal resi­li­ence and thus your own per­so­na­lity. You learn to deal with chan­ges in a more rela­xed way and thus have more suc­cess in your job and ever­y­day life.