The Journey of the Self-Developer

From wanting to doing

In this cor­po­rate semi­nar, Andrew pres­ents the four tools of the Self-Deve­lo­per by Jens Corssen in detail: Self-awa­re­ness, self-respon­si­bi­lity, self-con­fi­dence and self-con­quest. Through authen­tic sto­ries and images, inspi­ring insights and prac­ti­cal exer­ci­ses, Andrew takes semi­nar par­ti­ci­pants on his own jour­ney of self-deve­lo­p­ment to show how to put the phi­lo­so­phy into practice.

Andrew Bannon

Content summary 

In our know­ledge society, it is no lon­ger about con­stantly coll­ec­ting new infor­ma­tion that descri­bes the path to hap­pi­ness, but about get­ting into the DOING. Those who actively increase their inno­va­tion per­for­mance and adap­ta­bi­lity need not fear the future. Self-Deve­lo­pers® con­sciously decide to stop wai­ting for some­thing to deve­lop, but start the jour­ney with them­sel­ves. By doing so, one deci­des for self-power, initia­tive and joie de vivre.

Key messages 

Self-awa­re­ness is the basic pre­re­qui­site for initia­ting change. Only those who know what they are doing can stop and decide to do some­thing different. 

Insights need to be repea­ted and com­bi­ned with emo­tio­na­li­sing expe­ri­en­ces and cri­ti­cal reflec­tion to have an impact at the beha­viou­ral level. 

The con­text of the self-deve­lo­per is: “the situa­tion is my coach and I am its stu­dent”. Hap­pi­ness is the reward for over­co­ming what holds me back. 

Target group 

  • All employees and manage­ment teams going through change processes

Style & Format 

  • In-per­son or online event
  • Visual, inter­ac­tive and dynamic
  • In Eng­lish or German
  • Dura­tion: 4 hours, 1 day or 2 days
  • For smal­ler groups with up to 20 participants

Dates & Place 

  • Appoint­ment by arran­ge­ment at your loca­tion or in a semi­nar hotel of your choice

Customer testimonials 

“Ever­yone was super happy, ener­ge­tic and fresh after your ses­sion. Col­le­agues have alre­ady asked for your cont­act details as they are con­side­ring cont­ac­ting you for fur­ther events. I am sure this was not your last SAP engagement!”

Kris­tin Dose Chief of Staff MEE COO, SAP Deutsch­land SE & Co. KG

“The feed­back for you has been excel­lent. Here are some comm­ents: ‘Andrew Bannon was excel­lent’, ‘Great pre­sen­ta­tion’, ‘Very enga­ging,’ ‘He could easily have fil­led 2 days with inte­res­t­ing, enga­ging and useful con­tri­bu­ti­ons’. So thank you for your sup­port and fasci­na­ting presentation.”

Anja Hein­rich Senior Mana­ger Talent Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­gramme at Merck KGaA

“I was able to gain so many good insights and dili­gently remind mys­elf to imple­ment Andrew’s inputs on a regu­lar basis. He was also a per­fect lec­tu­rer for this semi­nar. My com­pli­ments to you for offe­ring this to Buch­erer employees. After a few con­ver­sa­ti­ons with the par­ti­ci­pants, you have hit the pulse of the cur­rent ‘Buch­erer time’.”

Nicole Stu­der HR Ser­vices at Buch­erer AG, Lucerne

Request & Booking 

Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this seminar.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany