The FOUR Tools of the Self-Developer

Just a few steps to success and joy of life

Change beg­ins when we stop com­plai­ning about life and others and take respon­si­bi­lity our­sel­ves. Our atti­tude towards life, towards other peo­ple and towards our­sel­ves is a super­power that ensu­res that we feel good and are suc­cessful both pro­fes­sio­nally and pri­va­tely. We achieve on our own what we had pre­viously tried to force our­sel­ves to do. 

With the four tools of the self-deve­lo­per accor­ding to Jens Corssen – pre­sen­ted by his col­le­ague and busi­ness part­ner Andrew Bannon – you will learn in this semi­nar how to change ing­rai­ned beha­viour pat­terns and thus achieve a posi­tive atti­tude. For more joie de vivre, suc­cess and serenity.


I am the wit­ness and cost accoun­tant of my thoughts and behaviour.

Beco­ming aware of your own thought pat­terns is the abso­lute pre­re­qui­site for per­so­nal growth and bene­fi­cial change. Once you learn how to coach yours­elf on the rol­ler­co­as­ter of life, you find signi­fi­cantly more satis­fac­tion and success.


I am 100% respon­si­ble for my expe­ri­en­ces and actions.

When you take full respon­si­bi­lity for your expe­ri­en­ces and actions, you increase your self-empower­ment and the­r­e­fore the chance to initiate the neces­sary chan­ges. How you deal with the cir­cum­s­tances of life is your own free decision.


I stick to my goals and honour my commitments.

Peo­ple who pur­sue their goal with pas­sion and believe in them­sel­ves see obs­ta­cles or defeats as mere sto­po­vers on the way to their goal. The requi­red self-esteem for this is built up con­sis­t­ently by con­cen­t­ra­ting on the so-cal­led “inner game” – and win­ning it.


I am wil­ling to accept dis­com­fort in order to achieve my goals.

The avo­id­ance of dis­com­fort and pain is a com­mon cause of per­so­nal or pro­fes­sio­nal issues. The­r­e­fore, if you want to get more out of life, you first have to give up cer­tain habi­tual behaviours.


  • With the help of Jens Corssen’s Self-Deve­lo­per tools, you will learn to expand your com­pe­ten­ces and deve­lop your per­so­na­lity. He is a gra­duate psy­cho­lo­gist and beha­viou­ral the­ra­pist as well as one of the most distin­gu­is­hed con­sul­tants and spea­k­ers in the Ger­man-spea­king world. With the phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice of The Self-Deve­lo­per, he has been com­bi­ning psy­cho­lo­gi­cal with prag­ma­tic approa­ches to per­so­na­lity deve­lo­p­ment, change pro­ces­ses and goal achie­ve­ment for 50 years.
  • You reflect on your own atti­tu­des, thin­king, beliefs and pat­terns – tog­e­ther you deve­lop methods for suc­cessful and sus­tainable self-coaching.
  • During the semi­nar, you will take part in a joint evening pro­gramme and get to know your peers. Fur­ther­more, you will become part of the alumni net­work of the Uni­ver­sity of St. Gal­len: The exch­ange within the com­mu­nity is pro­mo­ted via social media and regu­lar events.

Key messages 

You reflect on your own thin­king and beha­viour and learn how to go through life more calmly. 

You increase your empower­ment and self-moti­va­tion in times of change. 

You pro­mote your own poten­tial and gain cha­risma and asser­ti­ve­ness. This makes you more suc­cessful in deal­ing with others. 

Based on insights from beha­viou­ral psy­cho­logy, cogni­tive theory and neu­ro­sci­ence, you will be taught num­e­rous prac­ti­cal exer­ci­ses for your indi­vi­dual self-coaching. 

Target group 

  • Pro­fes­sio­nals and mana­gers as well as all those who would like to deve­lop their per­so­na­lity further

Style & Format 

  • Pre­sence event in German
  • Visual, inter­ac­tive and dynamic
  • Many exer­ci­ses and reflection
  • Dura­tion: 2 days + 3 h self-study
  • For smal­ler groups with up to 20 participants

Dates – St. Gallen, Switzerland 

  • 21 – 22 Novem­ber 2024
  • 25 – 26 Febru­ary 2025
  • 17 – 18 Novem­ber 2025

Participant comments 

“The trai­ner excee­ded my expec­ta­ti­ons. The 2 days gave me the right tools to deve­lop per­so­nally and apply self-manage­ment and resi­li­ence effec­tively as I start my future busi­ness. Great trai­ner, great per­so­na­lity, great humour, great con­tent. Just the kind of course to learn from effectively.”

Semi­nar participant “Self-Manage­ment & Resi­li­ence”, Uni­ver­sity of St. Gal­len, Sept. 2020

“Andrew is an excep­tio­nal sto­rytel­ler and coach. He is per­sonable, insightful and know­led­geable. I really enjoyed the semi­nar and am taking away some les­sons that I will share with my colleagues.”

Semi­nar participant “Self-Manage­ment & Resi­li­ence”, Uni­ver­sity of St. Gal­len, Sept. 2021

“Refres­hing, insightful, full of posi­tive energy. Great job Andrew! Keep being who you are and keep living your ‘why’!”.

Semi­nar participant “The Self-Deve­lo­per”, Uni­ver­sity of St. Gal­len, Feb. 2022”

Request & Booking 

For ques­ti­ons and infor­ma­tion, please cont­act the Uni­ver­sity of St. Gal­len directly.