The Self-Developer as a Leader (DE)

Feeling secure in the face of uncertainty

Only lea­ders who choose to focus on their strengths and update their mind­set will be able to keep pace with the inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­tion. If you suc­ceed in awa­ke­ning your employees’ sense of belon­ging to the com­pany and in giving them respon­si­bi­lity, it fos­ters the type of team­work that is so important today and faci­li­ta­tes the imple­men­ta­tion of the values of the so-cal­led VUCA world: pur­pose, con­nec­ted­ness, trust and courage.

In this talk, Jens Corssen shares his 50 years of expe­ri­ence working with leaders. 

Jens Corssen


We humans are social beings. Tog­e­ther­ness gives us a sense of secu­rity and strength, makes us more suc­cessful and more pro­fi­ta­ble. As an inspi­ring lea­der, you suc­ceed in sha­ping and lea­ding agile teams in the con­text of a com­mon stra­tegy that avo­ids per­so­nal ego­tism. In the VUCA world, new para­me­ters deter­mine whe­ther a com­pany will sur­vive in mar­kets that are chan­ging ever faster.


Employees no lon­ger need to be mana­ged, they need to be led. The motto is: treat peo­ple with cour­tesy, be clear and con­sis­tent on the issue. 

It is not only suc­cess that leads us to a life of ful­film­ent; it is also about our daily mood. In the begin­ning, there is our attitude. 

A cha­ris­ma­tic lea­der gives strength and cou­rage to anxious and dis­en­ga­ged employees. 

Target group 

Exe­cu­ti­ves and top mana­gers who want to become modern leaders

Style & Format 

  • In-per­son or online event
  • Free speech
  • Dura­tion: 45–120 minutes

Customer testimonials 

“The self-deve­lo­per con­cept pro­mo­tes suc­cessful self-manage­ment and thus makes a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the lear­ning organisation.”

Prof. Dr. Wolf­gang Reitzle For­mer Chair­man of the Super­vi­sory Board of Linde AG

“Mr Corssen, you have played a key role in the revo­lu­tion of sci­en­ti­fic cul­ture at the Helm­holtz Centre… This will no doubt ulti­m­ately be reflec­ted in a mea­sura­ble increase in sci­en­ti­fic per­for­mance. We can call this the Corssen effect!”

Dr Chris­tina Scheel Helm­holtz Centre Munich

“100% respon­si­bi­lity for yours­elf. What an exci­ting and exhaus­ting task to deve­lop yours­elf! But no one else can live my life… I the­r­e­fore work on it every day and it has chan­ged the way I lead. Com­plai­ning was yes­ter­day, today it’s about tack­ling it! Yourself!”

Dr Mar­len Wienert Head of Mar­ke­ting at BayWa AG Munich


Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther information.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany