From Self- to Organisational Development


The Self-Deve­lo­pers have made the self-agree­ment
to see the dif­fi­cul­ties at work as trai­ning ses­si­ons, accor­ding to their credo: The situa­tion is my coach.

Their aspi­ra­tio­nal per­so­nal growth is greatly enhan­ced through per­cei­ved psy­cho­lo­gi­cal safety where respon­si­ble expe­ri­men­ta­tion at work is encou­ra­ged and rewarded.

Andrew Bannon

Content summary 

In this in-house semi­nar for teams alre­ady fami­liar with our phi­lo­so­phy, par­ti­ci­pants learn how to create a space of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal safety and sup­port each other in their self-deve­lo­p­ment. Since only emo­tio­na­li­sing expe­ri­en­ces lead to change, these semi­nars are desi­gned to be inter­ac­tive, enter­tai­ning and exci­ting. This also helps to create a psy­cho­lo­gi­cally “safe” atmo­sphere in the course its­elf, where par­ti­ci­pants feel free to reflect, express opi­ni­ons and play an active role in chal­len­ging exercises.

Key messages 

Dis­rup­ti­ons take pre­ce­dence over con­tent. If there are rela­ti­onship dis­tur­ban­ces in a team, the work on the sub­ject level and crea­tive action are bur­dened. As a result, the indi­vi­dual and the com­pany suf­fer great disadvantages. 

The ulti­mate lea­der­ship prin­ci­ple: fri­endly with peo­ple, clear on the mat­ter and con­sis­tent. This is sup­ported by the atti­tude that ever­yone is ok since birth and they can con­ti­nuously improve their beha­viour towards a goal. 

Ins­tead of being nega­tively influen­ced by exter­nal cir­cum­s­tances and the­r­e­fore being despon­dent, it brings more suc­cess to start deve­lo­ping with ones­elf. I can train mys­elf to gain con­trol over my thin­king and behaviour. 

Target group 

  • Any team or busi­ness unit where “The Self-Deve­lo­per” is alre­ady an estab­lished phi­lo­so­phy and wants to take their col­la­bo­ra­tion to the next level

Style & Format 

  • In-per­son or online event
  • Visual, inter­ac­tive and dynamic
  • In Eng­lish or German
  • Dura­tion: 4 hours, 1 day or 2 days
  • For smal­ler groups with up to 20 participants

Dates & Place 

  • Appoint­ment by arran­ge­ment at your loca­tion or in a semi­nar hotel of your choice

Customer testimonials 

“A thousand thanks again for the really inspi­ring work­shop last Fri­day! We were all able to take away a lot and the col­le­agues (and also me) were very enthusiastic.”

Ste­fa­nie Metz Con­sul­tant Talent Manage­ment at BSH Haus­ge­räte GmbH

“Thank you very much again for the work­shop! We had only very posi­tive feed­back from the par­ti­ci­pants. The view that ANTs are ‘unde­si­ra­ble’ has alre­ady been established!”

Andreas Kopecny Head of Pro­gram, Cor­des & Graefe KG

“Thank you for the great trai­ning this week! All the feed­back I have recei­ved so far has been excellent.”

Peter Graf Head of Logi­stics, Klüber Group

Request & Booking 

Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this seminar.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany