The Self-Developer Mindset


The Self-Deve­lo­per phi­lo­so­phy may be “Made in Ger­many”, but its appeal radia­tes across the globe in these dyna­mic key­notes by Andrew Bannon. He inspi­res his audi­en­ces to apply the 4 tools of “Self-Awa­re­ness, Self-Accoun­ta­bi­lity, Self-Con­fi­dence and Self-Over­co­ming” to deve­lop them­sel­ves and take con­trol of their expe­ri­en­ces and behaviours.

Andrew Bannon


The prac­tice of The Self-Deve­lo­per is not about deve­lo­ping others, but about start­ing the change with ones­elf. In this way, one beco­mes a role model for others to fol­low. This con­cept of Jens Corssen empowers peo­ple to rea­lise their full poten­tial and bring more satis­fac­tion into their lives. With the help of the four tools, you can con­trol your own thin­king and beha­viour wit­hout let­ting your brain dic­tate ever­y­thing. Our expe­ri­ence shows that audi­en­ces leave inspi­red and emo­tio­nally empowered with a great “take-home-value” after our talks.

Key messages 

One’s own mood beco­mes inde­pen­dent of exter­nal cir­cum­s­tances when one takes full respon­si­bi­lity for one’s own expe­ri­ence and behaviour. 

The best way to look at life is like full-time school – wit­hout holi­days. The situa­tion is always my coach. 

Com­plai­ning is expen­sive. By deve­lo­ping self-awa­re­ness, one increa­ses the distance bet­ween thought and reaction. 

Target group 

All employees and manage­ment teams going through change processes

Style & Format 

  • In-per­son or online event
  • Visual and interactive
  • In Eng­lish or German
  • Dura­tion: 45–120 minutes

Customer testimonials 

“The pre­sen­ta­tion by Andrew Bannon on ‘The Self-Developer’s Jour­ney®’ by Jens Corssen was excel­lent. Andrew is not only a spe­cia­list in con­tent, but also a great and enthu­si­a­stic spea­ker. With his inter­ac­tive faci­li­ta­tion he had our very diverse and large mul­ti­cul­tu­ral audi­ence in the palm of his hand. We really enjoyed this mind-alte­ring experience!”

Chris­tian Endisch Head of Human Resour­ces at Hem­mers­bach GmbH & Co. KG

“Mr Bannon actively invol­ved the inter­na­tio­nal audi­ence (around 80 par­ti­ci­pants, many from the EU, NA, BR, CN, IN, JP) from the begin­ning. The lec­ture was very suc­cessful and com­bi­ned know­ledge trans­fer with enter­tain­ment. What par­ti­cu­larly stood out was the refres­hing, humo­rous approach Mr. Bannon took to his dyna­mic and memo­rable pre­sen­ta­tion.… The feed­back from the audi­ence after the event was unani­mously extre­mely posi­tive. We have alre­ady recom­men­ded Mr Bannon and his topic for inter­nal events at Robert Bosch.”

Ste­fan Grosch Head of Cor­po­rate Inter­nal Audi­ting at Robert Bosch GmbH

“I don’t think there’s a bet­ter way to give an impulse for self-reflec­tion from the out­side. We have only recei­ved posi­tive feed­back on Andrew and his lec­ture; for many col­le­agues the lec­ture was a great start to their working day… And I per­so­nally am now a fan of Jens Corssen & of Andrew Bannon.”

Steffi Kim­mich Chas­sis Sys­tems Con­trol, Mar­ke­ting and Busi­ness Stra­tegy Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at Robert Bosch GmbH


Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther information.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany