Jens Corssen & Andrew Bannon
The Self-Deve­lo­per is 

The phi­lo­so­phy of the Self-Deve­lo­per – the idea of start­ing the pro­cess of change with ones­elf – was honed over the last 50 years by Jens Corssen. Its core mes­sa­ges on atti­tude and beha­viou­ral change are more rele­vant than ever, which has con­tri­bu­ted to its beco­ming an insti­tu­tion in the Ger­man-spea­king busi­ness world.

The Self-Deve­lo­pers Jens Corssen and Andrew Bannon have been working tog­e­ther for more than 10 years. During this time, they have trans­for­med their phi­lo­so­phy, which was geared towards the Ger­man-spea­king mar­ket, into an inter­na­tio­nal con­cept that reso­na­tes around the world – both at in-per­son and digi­tal cor­po­rate events.

“We strive to inspire glo­bal teams to deve­lop a shared under­stan­ding to bring about sus­tainable change.”

Jens Corssen & Andrew Bannon

The Partnership

As with many suc­cessful busi­ness part­ner­ships, their strong bond is roo­ted in fri­end­ship and a pas­sion to create posi­tive change in others. Pro­fes­sio­nally, both Jens Corssen and Andrew Bannon offer a wide variety of off­line and online trai­ning for­mats: inspi­ra­tio­nal key­notes, inno­va­tive semi­nars, com­pany-spe­ci­fic lear­ning con­cepts and per­so­nal coa­ching.

With Jens’ 50 years of expe­ri­ence as a psy­cho­lo­gi­cal coun­sellor and Andrew’s 25 years of entre­pre­neu­rial and inter­cul­tu­ral expe­ri­ence, they always strike the right chord with the audi­ence, whe­ther at a semi­nar with 10 family busi­ness owners or a key­note in front of 500 employees of a glo­bal cor­po­rate giant. The­r­ein lies their uni­que sel­ling point.

Tutzing | Starnberger See

Alt­hough both part­ners are also often “on the road” giving key­note spee­ches and trai­ning cour­ses, most vir­tual events are held from our offices in Tutz­ing at Lake Starnberg.

This pic­tures­que Bava­rian vil­lage with its beau­tiful view of the Alps is also the venue for many of our semi­nars.

Jens Corssen

Jens Corssen is a cogni­tive beha­viou­ral the­ra­pist, renow­ned key­note spea­ker and best­sel­ling aut­hor

As a spe­cia­list for per­so­na­lity deve­lo­p­ment geared towards men­tal sta­bi­lity, he coa­ches busi­ness lea­ders as well as top ath­le­tes. He con­veys the essence of his 50 years of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal work in key­notes, semi­nars and coa­ching ses­si­ons, in which he no lon­ger coa­ches peo­ple towards spe­ci­fic goals, but towards being in an ele­va­ted frame of mind. 

Andrew Bannon

Andrew Bannon has been hol­ding inspi­ra­tio­nal key­notes and work­shops at a whole host of glo­bal events for inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies since 2013. He also leads in-per­son and online semi­nars on “The Self-Deve­lo­per”, the acclai­med life’s work of Jens Corssen. Fur­ther­more, he is an expe­ri­en­ced inter­cul­tu­ral coach and com­mu­ni­ca­tion trainer.

With the aid of his likeable and humo­rous man­ner, he inspi­res audi­en­ces to strive for more self-effi­cacy, hig­her pro­duc­ti­vity and grea­ter satis­fac­tion in life. His pre­sen­ta­ti­ons pri­ma­rily revolve around how to put the phi­lo­so­phy of the Self-Deve­lo­per into prac­tice – in line with the motto: kno­wing wit­hout doing is like not kno­wing at all.

Stron­ger together

Cooperation partners

Kün­zel, Drews & Part­ner – Manage­ment Con­sul­ting are our pre­fer­red part­ner when it comes to orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment projects.

Prof. Dr. Grö­ner has co-aut­ho­red the book “The Team Deve­lo­per” with Jens Corssen and also offers an inspi­ring com­pany semi­nar.Der Team-Deve­lo­per (DE)” and offers an inspi­ring cor­po­rate seminar.

The artist Ernst Handl uses his artis­tic talents in “co-pain­ting” semi­nars, in which the artist and the par­ti­ci­pants enter into the pain­terly crea­tive pro­cess together.

Trust on many levels


As expe­ri­en­ced spea­k­ers, semi­nar lea­ders and coa­ches, Jens Corssen and Andrew Bannon enjoy the trust of cross-sec­tor com­pa­nies – from medium-sized busi­nesses to major inter­na­tio­nal corporations.


Do you have any ques­ti­ons or would you like more infor­ma­tion about the Selst deve­lo­per? We look for­ward to recei­ving your enquiry.

I am inte­res­ted in: 

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany