The Self-Developer in Growth-Mindset Organisations


Chan­ges in cor­po­rate cul­ture begin when they are lived by indi­vi­dual employees. Self-Deve­lo­pers are eager for per­so­nal growth, feed­back and chal­lenges on their way to beco­ming the boss of their thoughts and behaviour.

In the Self-Deve­lo­per con­text, one suc­ceeds in alig­ning the goals of the com­pany and one’s own needs.

Andrew Bannon


Peo­ple with a sta­tic mind­set feel the urgent need to con­stantly prove their abili­ties. Peo­ple with a growth mind­set, on the other hand, believe that their basic skills can be deve­lo­ped through hard work and dedi­ca­tion. Many com­pa­nies the­r­e­fore imple­ment the prin­ci­ples of Growth Mind­set and Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Safety in their orga­ni­sa­tion, based on the fin­dings of pro­fes­sors Dr. Carol Dweck and Dr .Amy Edmondson.

In this exci­ting lec­ture Andrew Bannon shoes how The Self-Deve­lo­per phi­lo­so­phy helps to pro­mote these prin­ci­ples and acce­le­rate their deve­lo­p­ment. It is important to under­stand the dan­gers of the inner mono­lo­gue of a sta­tic mind­set that con­stantly jud­ges life, others and ones­elf. As a Self-Deve­lo­per, one seeks con­s­truc­tive feed­back, accepts chal­lenges, over­co­mes set­backs, stri­ves for opti­mal per­for­mance, learns from cri­ti­cism and pro­mo­tes the suc­cess of others.

Key messages 

Awa­re­ness of one’s own thin­king habits is the abso­lute pre­re­qui­site for per­so­nal growth and pro­fi­ta­ble change. 

For those who pas­sio­na­tely pur­sue their goal and believe in them­sel­ves, obs­ta­cles and defeats are only tran­sit sta­ti­ons on the way to the goal. Per­so­nal talents and abili­ties can deve­lop more easily if they are sup­ported by self-confidence. 

A growth-ori­en­ted mind­set can be lear­ned, but first the limi­ting beliefs of the sta­tic mind­set must be made con­scious and over­come. Neu­ro­pla­s­ti­city means that new skills can be lear­ned and mas­te­red at any age. 

Target group 

For employees from whom one would like to see more growth mind­set-rela­ted beha­viour and who one would like to encou­rage to act in a more risk-taking manner

Style & Format 

  • In-per­son or online event
  • Visual, inter­ac­tive and inspiring
  • In Eng­lish or German
  • Dura­tion: 45–120 minutes

Customer testimonials 

“Andrew gave a great vir­tual key­note at Sie­mens Smart Infra­struc­ture Growth Week on “Growth Mind­set”. With many vivid examp­les he demys­ti­fied the topic, well under­stan­da­ble, tail­o­red to our needs and highly enter­tai­ning. Our employees were enthu­si­a­stic. And it was fun to work with him.”

Petra Wan­der Senior Mana­ger Employee Enga­ge­ment at Sie­mens AG

“I recei­ved only posi­tive feed­back on Mr Bannon’s lec­ture. I think Mr Bannon’s humo­rous, but also down-to-earth and honest man­ner was the key fac­tor here that ensu­red open­ness and enthu­si­asm. I would­n’t know what to cri­ti­cise at this point. The pre­sen­ta­tion was enter­tai­ning and exci­ting, and fit­ted per­fectly into the over­all con­text of the day and under­li­ned our mes­sage for change.

Char­line Dänzer Mar­ke­ting Pro­fes­sio­nal at Inter­xion Deutsch­land GmbH

“The way you pre­sen­ted was really enter­tai­ning and showed a fine sense of (see­mingly Bri­tish) humour. The fact that the talk was dis­cus­sed in all the fol­lo­wing breaks pro­ves that you rai­sed and dis­cus­sed important points for the self-deve­lo­p­ment of all par­ti­ci­pants. Even the next day, some pre­sen­ta­ti­ons alre­ady refer­red to quo­tes from your speech. In sum­mary, your talk was an exci­ting highlight.” 

Ralf Kuhl Mem­ber of the Exe­cu­tive Board of HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA


Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther information.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany