Strategic Partners

The Self-Deve­lo­per phi­lo­so­phy can really pro­sper when it beco­mes part of the team and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal cul­ture. Our long-stan­ding coope­ra­tion part­ners sup­port us in estab­li­shing this in our cli­ents’ companies. 

Kün­zel, Drews & Part­ner Manage­ment Consultancy

Organisational development

Kün­zel, Drews & Part­ner – Manage­ment Con­sul­ting (KD&P) are our pre­fer­red part­ners when it comes to com­pre­hen­sive orga­ni­sa­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects requi­ring con­sul­tants with manage­ment expe­ri­ence in large cor­po­ra­ti­ons and medium-sized companies. 

In col­la­bo­ra­tion with us and the cli­ent, KD&P deve­lop solu­ti­ons to improve employee per­for­mance for our cli­ents. The right stra­tegy is key, but it only has a chance if the peo­ple who imple­ment it are moti­va­ted and capa­ble. KD&P’s ser­vices include per­for­mance checks, stra­tegy deve­lo­p­ment, sys­te­mic trans­for­ma­tion, agile pro­ject manage­ment (SCRUM), multi-pro­ject manage­ment, pro­cess con­sul­ting and change management.


Prof. Dr. Ste­fan Gröner

Leadership team development

Tog­e­ther with Jens Corssen, our fel­low com­rade Prof. Dr. Grö­ner published the book “Der Team-Deve­lo­per (DE)”, which he now also offers as an inspi­ring cor­po­rate seminar. 

After 10 years in the natio­nal hand­ball league, he first moved into top manage­ment and exe­cu­tive manage­ment and is now a lec­tu­rer and key­note spea­ker for digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, future tech­no­lo­gies and cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the hig­hest level. This con­cept, based on spe­cial team roles, builds on the phi­lo­so­phy and prac­tice of the Self-Deve­lo­per. As a team deve­lo­per in a lea­der­ship role, you sup­port your employees not only pro­fes­sio­nally, but also as an atten­tive rela­ti­onship mana­ger who pro­vi­des ori­en­ta­tion and trust to employees and gui­des them to take on chal­lenges with deter­mi­na­tion and pas­sion in a world that is no lon­ger predictable.

Semi­nar: Der Team-Deve­lo­per (DE)


Ernst Handl

Creativity in teams

The renow­ned artist Ernst Handl uses his artis­tic talents in “co-pain­ting” semi­nars, in which the artist and the par­ti­ci­pants enter into the crea­tive pain­ting pro­cess together. 

With a focus on per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment, the semi­nars are medi­ta­tive, absor­bing and stress-redu­cing, hel­ping par­ti­ci­pants to dis­co­ver their own hid­den talents. In kee­ping with the Self-Deve­lo­per phi­lo­so­phy, only those who throw them­sel­ves into the flow of crea­ting will be rewarded with the joy of suc­cess. His in-house semi­nars are the opti­mal way to streng­then team spi­rit and encou­rage employees to let go of their old beliefs and limi­ta­ti­ons. The results of his team semi­nars are often proudly dis­played at the com­pany headquarters.



Do you have any ques­ti­ons, or would you like to receive more infor­ma­tion about the Self-Deve­lo­per or our part­ners? We look for­ward to recei­ving your enquiry.

I am inte­res­ted in: 

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany