Shaping the future in times of AI & Co.

Successful self- and external leadership in the midst of rapid technological change

Digi­ta­li­sa­tion and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence are chan­ging the way peo­ple lead and work in the future – dra­ma­ti­cally. Because in a world of rapid change, of new tech­no­lo­gies and com­pe­ti­tors and high uncer­tainty about future deve­lo­p­ments, “Busi­ness as usual” is no lon­ger an option. Those who accept these chan­ges in a self-deter­mi­ned man­ner can use them to posi­tively shape the suc­cess of their team, but also their per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment. What is nee­ded is to deve­lop holi­stic, inte­gra­tive and com­pre­hen­sive stra­te­gies for the age of AI & Co. and to ensure their fle­xi­ble and sus­tainable imple­men­ta­tion in the company.


Prof. Dr. Ste­fan Gröner

Content summary 

In this lec­ture Prof. Dr. Ste­fan Grö­ner from of his many years of expe­ri­ence in top manage­ment, rese­arch and con­sul­ting, and shows how mindful and con­sis­tent self- and exter­nal lea­der­ship can lead to suc­cessful change in the age of AI & Co. 

Reco­g­nis­ing one’s own and others’ stumb­ling blocks and blo­cking beliefs is the first step and a basic pre­re­qui­site for suc­cessful self-manage­ment and manage­ment by others, both for mana­gers and for each indi­vi­dual employee. Because in a world of rapid change and new tech­no­lo­gies such as AI, it is cru­cial that mana­gers and employees alike are able to adapt their thought pat­terns and ways of working in order to be successful.


Key messages 

With a con­tem­po­rary mind­set, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence can help lea­ders respond fas­ter and smar­ter to new stra­te­gic challenges. 

What is requi­red is a coope­ra­tive inter­ac­tion bet­ween mana­gers and employees with the intel­li­gent, sup­port­ive use of intel­li­gent AI and robotics. 

The manager’s task is to shift the focus from defi­cit-ori­en­ted to strength-ori­en­ted thin­king: crea­tive ins­tead of tedious work. 

Target group 

  • This busi­ness lec­ture is sui­ta­ble for both mana­gers and com­mit­ted employees who want to face the chal­lenges of the future with confidence.


Style & Format 

  • Pre­sence event in German
  • Inspi­ring, mul­ti­me­dia and inter­ac­tive lecture
  • In Eng­lish or German
  • Dura­tion: 90–120 minutes


Dates & Place 

  • Appoint­ment by arran­ge­ment at your place or in a hotel of your choice

Customer testimonials 

“The par­ti­ci­pants were enthu­si­a­stic about the topic, the con­tent and the way of pre­sen­ta­tion: full of con­tent, enter­tai­ning and very well adapted to the tar­get group pre­sent. In short: a very suc­cessful and pro­fes­sio­nal pre­sen­ta­tion by Prof. Dr. Grö­ner. Gladly again.”

Tho­mas Leibold For­mat Mana­ger Pro­perty, Alli­anz Ver­si­che­rungs AG

“The feed­back from our guests was con­sis­t­ently posi­tive. You suc­cee­ded in a humo­rous and light way in attrac­ting the atten­tion and inte­rest of seve­ral gene­ra­ti­ons for a com­plex topic. Our expec­ta­ti­ons of you, our key note spea­ker, were fully met.”

Mat­thias Klintzsch Sales Mana­ger Ger­many, Shell Deutsch­land Oil GmbH

“… the feed­back from the par­ti­ci­pants was very posi­tive, ulti­m­ately also because your words and impul­ses also reso­na­ted very much in the dis­cus­sions today and there were various visio­nary and con­crete con­side­ra­ti­ons in the con­text of our round.”

Michael aus dem Siepen Mana­ging Direc­tor, Aus dem Sie­pen Group

Request & Booking 

Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this seminar.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany