The Self-Developer in Relationships

Relating to life, to oneself and to others

Humans, as deeply social beings, live in a per­ma­nent state of con­nec­ted­ness. Howe­ver, if we no lon­ger expe­ri­ence this and start to feel iso­la­ted, it leads to more fear, self-doubt, aggres­sion and, as a result, rela­ti­onship issues. As a Self-Deve­lo­per, you learn to love life, others and, above all, yourself.

Jens Corssen


How do you love life and yours­elf? And how do you use this know­ledge to improve your pri­vate and pro­fes­sio­nal rela­ti­onships? In this semi­nar, Jens Corssen draws on his 50 years of psy­cho­lo­gi­cal expe­ri­ence. In the con­text of the self-deve­lo­per – who has deci­ded to grow in life and not to give up – it is pos­si­ble to find new solutions.

  1. Loving life – the aim is to recon­cile with the ups and downs of life in order to become more serene.
  2. Self-love and mea­ning in life – Only those who love life and have made heart­felt fri­end­ship with them­sel­ves will be able to lead them­sel­ves successfully.
  3. Rela­ting to others – Only those who feel con­nec­ted to change and to them­sel­ves will also live in suc­cessful relationships.


One’s own part in rela­ti­onship dys­func­tion often lies in an unre­flec­tive view of ones­elf and expec­ta­ti­ons of others of how they should or should not be. The bio­lo­gi­cally inher­ent part in us ser­ves sur­vi­val, but is often an obs­ta­cle to the deve­lo­p­ment of con­du­cive atti­tu­des for respectful and nur­tu­ring rela­ti­onships. Those who are self-aware, respectful and nur­tu­ring with them­sel­ves will find it easier to do the same with others.


Satur­day, 29 March 2025

  • 13:00: Start
  • 13:00 – 14:00: Wel­come lunch (included)
  • 14:00 – 18.00Input ses­sion I with Jens Corssen (cof­fee break 15:30–16:00)
  • 19:00 – 20:30: Din­ner (included)
  • 20:30 – 21:30: Ques­ti­ons and ans­wers with Jens Corssen

Sun­day, 30 March 2025

  • 08:30 – 12:00Input ses­sion II with Jens Corssen (cof­fee break 10:00–10:30)
  • 12:00 – 13:00: Lunch (included)
  • 13:00 – 16:30Input ses­sion III with Jens Corssen (cof­fee break 14:30–15:00)
  • 16:30: Depar­ture

Key messages 

If you are per­ma­nently against life, against others and against yours­elf, you switch your brain into sur­vi­val mode. This pro­du­ces stress hor­mo­nes, one is tense and has no win­ning charisma. 

Kno­wing and being aware of how you yours­elf func­tion “mecha­ni­cally” and are the­r­e­fore trap­ped in your fear and thought sys­tem is the best pre­re­qui­site for reco­g­nis­ing auto­ma­tisms and for­gi­ving them in yours­elf and others. 

Con­scious loving is the expres­sion of an atti­tude of mind that affirms life with all its trap­pings and eter­nal change. This atti­tude does not pro­duce lack-ori­en­ted thin­king because it is being-oriented. 

Target group 

  • Anyone who wants to learn to love life, others and them­sel­ves in order to streng­then their rela­ti­onships in the pro­fes­sio­nal or pri­vate sphere.

Style & Format 

  • Pre­sence event in German
  • Pre­sence event in German
  • Free speech, self-reflec­tion, exer­ci­ses and exch­ange with other participants
  • Dura­tion: 1 1/2 days
  • up to 14 participants

Date & place 

  • Next date: 29 – 30 March 2025

  • Loca­tion: LA VILLA on Lake Starnberg.

  • Starn­berg is loca­ted approx. 30 km south-west of Munich and is easily acces­si­ble by train or car.

  • We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you in person!

Costs & Registration 

1 1/2 day seminar 

€  2399,- 
  • The price also includes cate­ring during the event (cof­fee breaks, lunch and after­noon snacks) as well as a deli­cious din­ner on Satur­day evening with the entire group at the event venue. 
  • Should you wish to stay at LA VILLA for one night, we have pre-reser­ved a num­ber of rooms for par­ti­ci­pants. Please note that the over­night stay in the house is optio­nal and must be boo­ked and paid for individually.

You can look for­ward to a very inten­sive and inspi­ring time cent­red around the topic of relationships.

Participant comments 

“I would like to thank you, Mr Corssen, for these two inten­sive days full of your con­cen­tra­ted know­ledge and expe­ri­ence. Your lec­tures were very enter­tai­ning, highly exci­ting, vivid and ins­truc­tive for me. I star­ted directly with the chair exer­cise this mor­ning and a good sen­tence also came into my head to increase my self-effi­cacy: I am the boss (over my brain, over my thoughts!).”

Semi­nar participant “The Self-Deve­lo­per in Rela­ti­onships”, Tutz­ing, Sept. 2021

“Thank you once again for the two highly inte­res­t­ing semi­nar days full of impul­ses and syn­apse food. From my point of view there is not­hing to improve! I enjoyed this weekend VERY VERY VERY much – and I have been able to attend many such events in the last ten years! Keep it up!”

Semi­nar participant “The Self-Deve­lo­per in Rela­ti­onships”, Tutz­ing, Sept. 2021

“It was a great semi­nar, a great group and a remar­kably alert, ener­ge­tic spea­ker. I am very glad that I took part. I liked the semi­nar house at Lake Starn­berg very much. The park is sen­sa­tio­nal. Opti­mally sui­ted also for the per­cep­tion exercises.”

Semi­nar participant “The Self-Deve­lo­per in Rela­ti­onships”, Tutz­ing, Sept. 2021

Request & Booking 

Please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion about this seminar.

Bahn­hofstrasse 17
82327 Tutz­ing / Starn­ber­ger See, Germany